CRC 1411 Summer 2021 Status Meeting

From 21-22 June 2021 almost 50 researchers, including CRC 1411 PIs, doctoral and postdoctoral researchers and our Mercator fellows and external advisors, met online to review the status of the subprojects and collaborative activities. The main part of the meeting comprised a series of 15 minute talks on the participating projects presented by members of the integrated Research Training Group on Particle Science and Technology. With the twenty CRC 1411 subprojects across the 4 research areas now firing on all cylinders the meeting highlighted significant progress towards the individual and global objectives of the consortium. Besides the impressive scientific results, of particular note was the high degree of collaboration now enjoyed between the projects and researchers. This is evidenced by the network diagram shown here, which was constructed based on information provided within the subproject presentations.
On the first day breakout sessions were held on the topics of the three CRC 1411 working groups. Here, lively discussions on the critically important topics of scale-up, parameter estimation and particle-surface interactions were led by Doris Segets (PI, A02), Lukas Pflug (PI, D03) and Umair Sultan (Doctoral researchers, B01) respectively. The results of those discussions will enable further collaborations to be developed and also support the strategic planning for the CRC 1411 beyond the current funding period.
Two further plenary events also took place. On the first day we were very grateful to be joined again by Dr Susanne Frölich-Steffen who led a gender-awareness seminar, this time on the subject of sexual harassment. On the second day an update of the INF project was provided by Silvain Englisch and new colleague Fabian Plass. Here the central focus was on the latest developments in the roll-out of the electronic lab notebook and data management tool based on openBIS.
As with previous CRC 1411 meetings and workshops, the meeting experience was further intensified through the use of MURAL, a collaborative digital whiteboard. This was used as a “canvas” for asking and answering questions on the plenary talks and each breakout sessions also had its own MURAL to focus the discussions there. The MURALs will remain accessible to participants long after the meeting and include links to the video recordings of all the scientific talks. The latter can also be view directly at the dedicated channel on (password provided on the MURAL).

Although face-to-face contact is still limited the CRC plans a live offline poster session spanned over a couple of days to follow up on this status meeting in July 2021. More details to follow soon!