MAP Poster prizes for CRC 1411-related research and teaching awards for two PIs
In the afternoon of 9 February, 2022, the annual Poster Session and Awards Ceremony of the Elite Masters Programme in Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) took place. Of the 27 posters on display, 10 were on research projects contributing to CRC 1411 “Design of Particulate Products” or supervised by its principal investigators.
A short video showing the highlights of the 2022 MAP poster session which was held online on 9 February. The "superflash talks" of the four poster award winners are included.
The MAP Poster Session is the culmination of a scientific skills course led in the Winter Semester by CRC 1411 principal investigator Prof. Robin Klupp Taylor and attended by the current third semester students (the 2020 MAP batch in the case of this year’s event). Due to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic this event was held online for the second year running. Among the up to 100 participants were current and prospective MAP students, lecturers, researchers and administrative staff. To enable a digital poster session which offers the same degree of personal interactions as a traditional, analogue session, Prof. Klupp Taylor used a concept based on two complementary online platforms: MURAL and zoom. All the posters could be seen on the former, which is an interactive online whiteboard. Participants could easily navigate and read any of the posters and also leave questions or comments in the form of sticky notes. One definite advantage of a digital poster over an analogue one was exploited by several students – to include movies of simulations or microscopical investigations directly on the poster! The MURAL also acted as the gateway to the plenary zoom sessions, and, by clicking on the students’ photo next to each poster, participants could enter a zoom meeting with that student and discuss the poster there.

The approximately two and a half hour event was divided into two sessions. The first of these covered projects relating to the MAP focal subjects Biomaterials and Bioprocessing and Computational Materials Science and Process Simulation. The second was dedicated to the Focal Subjects Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology and Advanced Processes. Each started with a plenary meeting on zoom where pre-recorded “superflash” talks prepared by the students were screened. In these 1 minute presentations the students introduced themselves and gave a very brief overview of their poster. After the talks the session moved to the MURAL and individual scientific discussions between the presenters and participants on zoom.

Participants concluded that it was an amazing poster session of extremely high quality regarding the level of digital presentation and the academic contributions of the students. All posters reached the standard required for presentation at international conference.
Poster prizes for students and best lecturer awards for CRC 1411 principal investigators
After the second round of poster presentations the event concluded in a plenary session dedicated to prize-giving. The best posters were selected by MAP lectures and supervisors. All four winning posters were on research supervised by CRC 1411 principal investigators and researchers. Moreover, 1st and joint 3rd prizes went to Lucía Morales (CRC 1411 Equal Opportunities Fellow 2020-21) and Jonathan Martín González for work contributing directly to CRC 1411 projects A05 and D04. Here is a complete list of the winning posters:
First Prize | Lucía Morales Gutiérrez: Simple Synthesis of Inverse Supraparticles |
Second Prize | Khaled Mansour: Searching for Tetrahedra Crystals |
Third Prize (joint winners) | Jonathan Martín González: Optimizing Monte Carlo Ray-Tracing for Structural Color Prediction in Photonic Crystal Balls
Aaro Idhayan Joseph Marian Bosco: Patchy GaAg SCALMS for Propane Dehydrogenation |
The MAP best lecturer awards were also announced. This year these went jointly to Prof. Dr. Robin Klupp Taylor and Prof. Dr. Michael Engel, both CRC 1411 principal investigators. MAP student Aisha Abdul Quddus gave a thank you speech to the professors for their passion and enthusiasm in their teaching. She also praised their active communication with the students, even during the challenging period of the SARS-CoV2 pandemic.