The Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1411 – “Design of particulate products” invites applications for an Equal Opportunity Fellowship. Eligible are international female applicants to one of the involved study programs at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nürnberg, that have been adm...
Our Bachelor Student Sonja Schaller was awarded the first prize for her poster "Determining the Organization of Binary Colloidal Supraparticles by matters of Diffusiophoresis and Channel Formation” at the Spray Drying Symposium taking place in Würzburg on 09.04.2024. We are very proud of her achieve...
Update (March 2024): We still have a couple of open positions in the following areas:
- Synthesis of hierarchical porous materials for nanoparticle chromatography Supervisor: Prof. Nicolas Vogel
- Multidimensional characterization of nanoparticle ensembles Supervisor: Dr. Johannes Walter
Karl Mandel got the great news that he will receive an ERC Consolidator Grant. His project aims at turning matter perceptual using “SmartRust”. This endeavor will be funded with 2 Mio. € for the upcoming 5 years.
We are happy to announce that our CRC1411 will receive fundings to continue its research for the next 4 years. After a successful first funding period under the guidance of Prof. Wolfgang Peukert, we will continue our activities with Prof. Nicolas Vogel as spokesperson, and Prof. Martin Hartmann wil...
Our PIs Michael Engel, Andreas P. Fröba and Matthias Thommes, our Vice Spokesperson Martin Hartmann, first funding period Spokesperson Wolfgang Peukert and designated second funding period Spokesperson Nicolas Vogel are among the top 2% cited scientists according to the prestigious Stanford List. Th...
Prof. Vogel's lecture "Grenzflächen in der Verfahrenstechnik" was again on the podium as one of the best rated lectures in the whole Technical Faculty! In this class Nicolas Vogel discusses interfaces in materials and process technologies, with plenty of examples from nature and technology. Read mo...
Our PIs W. Peukert, K. Mandel, D. Segets and N. Vogel contribute with invited talks to the Ostwald Colloquium "Interface-mediated Processes in Soft Matter", taking place in Darmstadt from September 13th to September 15th. In their talks, the PIs highlight the results of the first funding period.
CRC 1411 PI and managing director Johannes Walter will receive the Friedrich-Löffler-Prize 2023 of the VDI – The Association of German Engineers – for his outstanding developments of novel tools for multidimensional characterization of nanoparticles. His contributions to both fundamental science and...