In the afternoon of 12 February 2021, the annual Poster Session and Awards Ceremony of the Elite Masters Programme in Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP) took place. Due to the SARS-CoV2 pandemic this event, usually one of the social highlights of the MAP calendar, moved online for the very first...
The article “Correlative laboratory Nano-CT and 360° electron tomography of macropore structures in hierarchical zeolites” by CRC-researchers Benjamin Apeleo Zubiri, Janis Wirth, Dominik Drobek, Silvan Englisch and Erdmann Spiecker as well as Thomas Przybilla, Tobias Weissenberger and Wilhelm Schwie...
October 2021 would normally see the biannual "Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften" take place. Due to the COVID pandemic this large scale outreach event in the Erlangen-Nürnberg-Fürth region has been postponed to 2022. A digital event will nevertheless take place from 21-24 2021 October under the tit...
The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) organized last 9 February the Global Women Breakfast (GWB) initiative under the motto: “Empowering Diversity in Science”.
For more information, please visit this link:
Considering that very few wom...
To conclude the first year of activities in CRC 1411 all PIs, participating researchers and our two Mercator Fellows gathered from 14-16 December 2020 to reflect on progress and plan for the next year. Originally conceived as a 2 day event at the Forschungscampus Waischenfeld, negative dev...
Multidimensional particle characterisation is of key importance for the understanding of complex multiphase products across all length scales from molecules to particles, complex materials and devices. Unifying principles for the comprehensive design of particulate products in particular include the...
PI Prof. Vogel and his team introduce research topics of the group. We see how biological functionalities such as the self-cleaning surfaces of plants or the shining colors of animals can be reproduced in the lab by controlling the structure of materials using self-assembly processes.
Product design is the formation, formulation, handling, manufacturing and characterization of complex multiphase products across all length scales from molecules to particles and complex materials and devices. The applications define the required product properties which cover both classical fields ...
Regular seminars to present and discuss progress in CRC 1411 research are an essential measure to maintain the quality control of projects and to provide support and mentoring for the young researchers involved. Therefore, the integrated Research Training Group in Particle Science and Technology (iR...
CRC 1411 involves researchers from a wide range of backgrounds spanning the engineering and physical sciences and mathematics. Success of the consortium will rely on close cooperation between researchers working on the participating projects. To lay a foundation for this and to foster a common inter...