Permission to use photo and contact data

Every member of the iRTG-ParSciTech will have a profile on the CRC 1411 website. We need your permission to use your contact data and invite you to provide a portrait photo to make your profile more personal. We also request your consent to use your name and photo in CRC 1411 publicity material. Please fill in the form below and, if you consent to its use, upload your portrait photo.

CRC 1411 Personal data use permission form

Would you like to provide a portrait photo for use on the CRC 1411 webpage and other publicity? *YesNo

FAU-affiliated researchers only:

Do you have a UnivIS contact page? YesNoDon't know

* By checking the following box I grant permission to the CRC 1411 administration to use my work contact data (already provided in my application form or available online) and portrait photo (if provided) in CRC 1411-related publicity. Moreover, I grant permission for the publishing (online and in print) of photographs from CRC 1411 events in which I am identifiable."