Research Training Group
Welcome to the integrated Research Training Group of CRC 1411 (iRTG-ParSciTech)!

iRTG-ParSciTech stands for “Integrated Research Training Group in Particle Science and Technology”. A Research Training Group is a DFG-funded structured doctoral programme (DE: Graduiertenkolleg). Besides standalone Research Training Groups, they can be integrated within a collaborative research center (DE: Sonderfoschungsbereich). This is the case for iRTG-ParSciTech. In general, all Research Training Groups aim to support young researchers at the doctoral and postdoctoral level. In particular, programmes accompany doctoral researchers on their journey through their course and postdocs as they acquire independence, providing support and building up their qualification portfolio. This should complement the skills and knowledge gained in their specific research topic, and therefore lay strong foundations for their subsequent career, be it inside or outside of academia.
- Provide a support structure and qualification programme for the doctoral researchers contributing to CRC 1411 projects
- Supplement and enhance the training of associate members (doctoral researchers working on related topics in Particle Science and Technology)
- Host visiting doctoral researchers from partner institutions
- Promote first class interdisciplinary research and education in particle science and technology and related fields
- Enable the effective networking of researchers from participating institutes of CRC 1411 and beyond
- Coordinate with other doctoral support programmes the further development of member’s academic and transferable skills

The foundation of doctoral candidate support at FAU is the Graduate Centre (DE: Graduiertenzentrum). This central organisation provides information and consultancy for all young researchers of the University (doctoral candidates, postdocs and junior academics) and operates a digital framework for the administration of the doctoral process (see docDaten). The Graduate Centre also organizes a large number of training courses covering a broad range of aspects of professional development.
At the next level, iRTG-ParSciTech is supported by the Graduate School in Advanced Materials and Processes (GS-AMP). This was established by the Cluster of Excellence “Engineering of Advanced Materials” in 2009 and now represents the Key FAU Research Priority “New Materials and Processes“.