CRC 1411 Symposium – Online Programme Draft
08:00 | Arrival and registration | |
08:45 | Welcome address | Wolfgang Peukert
CRC 1411 Coordinator |
09:00 | Methods for the vacuum-driven assembly of microspheres | Gert Desmet
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium |
09:45 | Mesoporous material polymer functionalization and resulting properties | Annette Andrieu Brunsen
TU Darmstadt, Germany |
10:30 | Coffee break | |
10:50 | Watching paint dry – From colloidal droplets to complex nanostructures | Arash Nikoubashman
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany |
11:35 | Synthesis of hierarchical porous materials for nanoparticle chromatography (CRC 1411 Project B01) | Umair Sultan |
11:55 | Chromatographic classification of gold nanoclusters and nanoparticles by liquid chromatography (CRC 1411 Project B04) | Lukas Gromotka |
From 12:15 to 13:20 Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Lunch vouchers will be provided.
13:20 | Room-temperature Aqueous Synthesis of Metallic Alloy Nanoparticles Enabled by Microreactor | Satoshi Watanabe
Kyoto University, Japan |
14:05 | Continuous flow synthesis of patchy particles with designed resonances (CRC 1411 Project A03) | Julia Seifert |
14:25 | Luminescent Nanoparticles: Photophysics, Mechanistic Studies, and Applications | Ute Resch-Genger
Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Germany |
15:30 | From bioinspired structure formation to particle based metamaterials | Andreas Fery
Leibniz-Institute of Polymer Research |
16:15 | Defined self-assembly of structural colour pigments (CRC 1411 Project A05) | Gudrun Bleyer |
16:35 | Topology, material and shape optimization for particle ensembles (CRC 1411 Project D05) | Nico Nees |
Ana-Sunčana Smith
09:00 | Spectroscopic electron microscopy in two and three dimensions | Georg Haberfehlner
Graz University of Technology, Austria |
09:45 | Towards micron-scale 3D imaging with atomic detail | Philipp Pelz
FAU, Germany |
10:30 | Scale-bridging tomography of hierarchical porous materials for chromatography applications (CRC 1411 Project C01) | Benjamin Apeleo-Zubiri |
10:50 | Coffee break | |
11:10 | Quantitative Study of Nanomaterials for Life Science Applications | Ivo Nischang
Friedrich Schiller University Jena |
11:55 | Multidimensional characterisation of nanoparticle ensembles (CRC 1411 Project C04) | Paola Cardenas Lopez
Institute of Particle Technology (Advanced Colloid Characterization Group), FAU |
12:15 | Characterisation of functionalised surfaces and porous materials (CRC 1411 Project B03) | Carola Schlumberger |
From 12:35 to 13:45 Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Lunch vouchers will be provided.
13:45 | Enhancement of electrokinetic transport in micro- and nanochannels by tuning surface properties | Olga Vinogradova
Moscow State University, Russia |
14:30 | A multi-scale model hierarchy for material flow problems | Simone Göttlich
University of Mannheim, Germany |
15:15 | Coffee break | |
15:30 | Continuous flow synthesis and population-balance modelling of InP quantum dots (CRC 1411 Project A02) | Zhuang Wang |
15:50 | The Design of Particulate Products: An Approach Based on Reliable, Minimum, Pseudo-Elementary Step Mechanisms Plus Mechanism-Enabled Population-Balance Modeling | Richard Finke
Colorado State University |
16:35 | Design of particulate products: From synthesis to color (CRC 1411 Project D03) | Lukas Pflug |
The coordinator of the CRC 1411 for the proposed next funding period, Nicolas Vogel, will make some closing remarks.