CRC 1411 Symposium – Online Programme Draft

08:00 Arrival and registration
08:45 Welcome address Wolfgang Peukert

CRC 1411 Coordinator

09:00 Methods for the vacuum-driven assembly of microspheres Gert Desmet

Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

09:45 Mesoporous material polymer functionalization and resulting properties Annette Andrieu Brunsen

TU Darmstadt, Germany

10:30 Coffee break 
10:50 Watching paint dry – From colloidal droplets to complex nanostructures Arash Nikoubashman

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany

11:35 Synthesis of hierarchical porous materials for nanoparticle chromatography (CRC 1411 Project B01) Umair Sultan

Institute of Chemical Reaction Engineering, FAU

11:55 Chromatographic classification of gold nanoclusters and nanoparticles by liquid chromatography (CRC 1411 Project B04) Lukas Gromotka

Institute of Particle Technology, FAU

From 12:15 to 13:20 Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Lunch vouchers will be provided.

13:20 Room-temperature Aqueous Synthesis of Metallic Alloy Nanoparticles Enabled by Microreactor Satoshi Watanabe

Kyoto University, Japan

14:05 Continuous flow synthesis of patchy particles with designed resonances (CRC 1411 Project A03) Julia Seifert

Nanostructured Particles Research Group, FAU

14:25 Luminescent Nanoparticles: Photophysics, Mechanistic Studies, and Applications Ute Resch-Genger

Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM), Germany

15:30 From bioinspired structure formation to particle based metamaterials Andreas Fery

Leibniz-Institute of Polymer Research

16:15 Defined self-assembly of structural colour pigments (CRC 1411 Project A05) Gudrun Bleyer

Self-Assembled Materials Research Group, FAU

16:35 Topology, material and shape optimization for particle ensembles (CRC 1411 Project D05) Nico Nees

Chair of Continuous Optimization, FAU

Ana-Sunčana Smith

09:00 Spectroscopic electron microscopy in two and three dimensions Georg Haberfehlner

Graz University of Technology, Austria

09:45 Towards micron-scale 3D imaging with atomic detail Philipp Pelz

FAU, Germany

10:30 Scale-bridging tomography of hierarchical porous materials for chromatography applications (CRC 1411 Project C01) Benjamin Apeleo-Zubiri

Institute of Micro- and Nanostructure Research, FAU

10:50   Coffee break 
11:10 Quantitative Study of Nanomaterials for Life Science Applications Ivo Nischang

Friedrich Schiller University Jena

11:55 Multidimensional characterisation of nanoparticle ensembles (CRC 1411 Project C04) Paola Cardenas Lopez

Institute of Particle Technology (Advanced Colloid Characterization Group), FAU

12:15 Characterisation of functionalised surfaces and porous materials (CRC 1411 Project B03) Carola Schlumberger

Institute of Separation Science & Technology, FAU

From 12:35 to 13:45 Lunch will be served in the cafeteria. Lunch vouchers will be provided.

13:45 Enhancement of electrokinetic transport in micro- and nanochannels by tuning surface properties Olga Vinogradova

Moscow State University, Russia

14:30 A multi-scale model hierarchy for material flow problems Simone Göttlich

University of Mannheim, Germany

15:15   Coffee break 
15:30 Continuous flow synthesis and population-balance modelling of InP quantum dots (CRC 1411 Project A02) Zhuang Wang

Chair of Particle Science and Technology, UDE

15:50 The Design of Particulate Products: An Approach Based on Reliable, Minimum, Pseudo-Elementary Step Mechanisms Plus Mechanism-Enabled Population-Balance Modeling Richard Finke

Colorado State University

16:35 Design of particulate products: From synthesis to color (CRC 1411 Project D03) Lukas Pflug

Chair of Continuous Optimization, FAU

The coordinator of the CRC 1411 for the proposed next funding period, Nicolas Vogel, will make some closing remarks.